Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Week “‘holi’day”

One of those days when serendipity happens.

Today is one such day. The weather took its mellow mood and people ventured down for a smoke and the idle talk. I picked up Kafka after that. His Diaries are so precise, so confident and so whimsical at their own turns. Fascinating, the mind of such a man! Creativity is such a nebulous this haze that hovers around your head and you try to catch the fragmented thoughts, unusual memories that bring that warmth, and bookends, tapes and music, travels and fellow travelers..(Well, I quite like the vicious circle of trying to chase my thoughts to the end of my head)..and than coming back to square 1, wondering if the entire exercise was futile.

But solitude is nice. I like it. Obscurity has been increasingly so relishing a thought. I do my thing and than I just vanish..haha, quite a vivid imagination, that’s what I got. But just sitting down with meself is such a delicious thought after a long day with civilization and society. Good ol pals, the odd “guitar”, rolling paper and conversations, silences and music. Music..yes there now, music is such a creation..(going back to the stream I was on while writing the first para..). Anyways!

Lost…will write more laters. 13.06.07, 19:51pm

Read this essay called "Does Consciousness exists?" by William James( 1904). i browsed over some 5 pages of a 13 page essay but quite a strong argument he holds up there.

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