Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

a five am dream!

my home in the hills is lovly. it's the perfect plc for me. i share it
with kazu (it's a 3 bedroom apartment and also part panos guest house
so we have lot of ppl visting also.tho havent stayed there too long as
yet) i have the entire plc to meself fo a whole month..there 's a
treasure trove of books, dvds and lots of fresh air and greenery and
obscurity, it's like, whn i return home, i go off the radar..haha!!
a few lines from ginsberg that i liked.that kinda explains the atmosphere at my house
in the kharguli hills...;)

Five A.M. (Allen Ginsberg)

Elan that lifts me above the clouds
into pure space, timeless, yea eternal
Breath transmuted into words
Transmuted back to breath
in one hundred two hundred years
nearly Immortal, Sappho's 26 centuries
of cadenced breathing -- beyond time, clocks, empires, bodies, cars,
chariots, rocket ships skyscrapers, Nation empires
brass walls, polished marble, Inca Artwork
of the mind -- but where's it come from?
Inspiration? The muses drawing breath for you? God?
Nah, don't believe it, you'll get entangled in Heaven or Hell --
Guilt power, that makes the heart beat wake all night
flooding mind with space, echoing through future cities, Megalopolis or
Cretan village, Zeus' birth cave Lassithi Plains -- Otsego County
farmhouse, Kansas front porch?
Buddha's a help, promises ordinary mind no nirvana --
coffee, alcohol, cocaine, mushrooms, marijuana, laughing gas?
Nope, too heavy for this lightness lifts the brain into blue sky
at May dawn when birds start singing on East 12th street --
Where does it come from, where does it go forever?

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