Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

stitchings in the gaps..

i visited my so called blog after almost a year and i realised (what i have known all along) that probally i should get back to scrapping some again. but laziness, excuses of the "frenetic pace of work and events", life, life and the sorts become my handicap whenever i feel like penning down some thoughts. but than why not..considering the amount of time and space i let my mind wander and soar at its whims, i actually should be doing a little justice to keeping track of all those myriad calenders of a day gone by..or an experience!

i have been working for a while's an organisation that works on various issues ranging from environment, public health, conflict (and the influence of conflict on cultures), globalisation (and the connotations in the developmental countries and communities), media pluralism et al. i wont get into the nitty-gritties of what my job involves here though i can say ("with a straight face", as a friend aptly put it) that im liking it here. im back in the green green grass of home...though that's actually debatable coz what is home definition of one isnt delimited by geographical boundaries or any material trappings of a house. it's more about the mind here. about being happy deep down perhaps. and after all the rhetoric has flushed down the loo, it's about being truely on your own. guess that must be it.

yes, i do essentially belong to the Northeastern part of India but categorising this verdant expanse of land steeped in tradition, indigenous cultures, people and lived realities is not something i would endeavour to do here. but during the time i am here, exploring my roots and genealogies (haha..dont read me literally please!) i intend to travel a lot and click away, discover, discover and also write down some of my ramblings while am at it.

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