Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wet Canvas, Gooey (Jack)fruit

The overwhelmingly sweet smell
of ripe jackfruits
Fills the room;
Outside, the wind is low
but it still rains.
Humming along with the jukebox number
Already sinking into a quiet stupor;
a string of nebulous ideas
without a structured framework.
An acrylic painting, some disjointed lamps
a paintbrush dripping
of vivid colour,
and newspapers creased for the effect.
There are tags, names
to these canvasses;
a prize for the electically-inspired
And the constant sickening smell of ripe jackfruits
for those who can only desire.

25 June’08


Anonymous said...

canvas is a limiting agent like the mind. dont you think so?

nefertiti_xxxx said...

In the real world we exist, I guess so. But if we can envision a totally new parallel universe, maybe it isnt, there can be lots of alternatives...what do u think? and who must be you?