Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion" and speculative moo-moo

by David Hume, ed. by Dorothy Coleman:

"What peculiar priviledge has this little agitation of the brain which we call thought, that we must make it the model of the whole universe? Our partiality in our own favour does indeed present it on all occasions: But sound philosophy ought carefully to guard against so natural an illusion."

and Heidegger has something to add too: "questioning is the piety of thought".

so let us doubt, reinvent and question all we have been told to accept. since half baked knowledge is no good, and we have passed that golden age of ignorance, one might as well go the whole hog!

Now is the time to manifest
Full Circle.
One has to rein
the Mind
to Focus.

And came upon these lines on a poet's webpage:

Art demands constant toil, incessant work, and undistracted time.

"Until you reach your liberated and free self, isolated from the constricting selves of others, you will not accomplish anything. Art is strongest love. It avails itself only to those who thoroughly surrender their whole existence to it."
- Forugh Farrokhzad

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