Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ying and the Yang

The skies opened up

And all the chaos became still

Time stopped

Yet things moved

Like metaphysics

And imagery-imaginative sessions

About physical circumstances resumed.

Consumerist cultures stick around

This sordid material existence;

I heard of Nietzsche’s insanity

And physical weaknesses

What did Zarathustra spoke

I am yet to know

Yet to delve on the finer aspects

Of cosmic energy.

-Ying and the Yang


Anonymous said...

cosmic energy is subtle and personal..u will only be able to delve in it when it enfolds in front of u..showing its true beauty...i have witnessed it .. so will u

nefertiti_xxxx said...

yes i guess so. i have felt it in the most surprising of moments but i guess im craving for the feel and touch of it again. been a long time.