Wednesday, November 14, 2007


These last three months or so have been a whirlwind of insane activity, people, work, travel and herbs that elevate the less mundane waking hours. This last one week I decided to grace my shack with my solitude and OCD. There has been conflict. And very many contradictions. Lately, I have felt pulled to the very last vestiges of my "sheer energy" by folks and peers. I maintain it all very well, most of the time. But sometimes a voice inside talks to me (am i schizo?) and tells me to go away, far far away. And take it from there. Tiredness is a state of mind, I presume, if you dont add the physical drudgery and the constant swirling white noise in the brain. But than I get emotionally haggard at times and than familiarity has this twisted way of revealing new things, trying to precede what lies in the vague future. Astrologers and tarot card readers act a savvy catalyst to all wanting to hear and evade the impediments set by Fate (harrowed fate that!). And we become mere puppets in this orgasmic understanding of divinity's ways! haha
Man, if i start on those lines now, i can possibly go on for an hour, applying logic and common sense to wallet-pinching astronomically priced gem stones.

I am half mad, so they say. Now, who are these "they"? I probally dont even know how they look like or what their last names are. But am i irreverant to speak thus, about divinity's camouflaged way! (Hats off to Divinity and the sundry rituals that go along with the whol brouhaha).

AS for me, I guess surviving is an art i have learnt the hard way but learnt it proper. And if my fate decides to play spoilsport, i will play along and probally let all things take their own time to reveal their worth to me.

There is conflict, contradiction but there is also endurance and beauty!

So long than.


Tituraj said...

There is something so familiar about the whole idea. I felt if I were you when I walk through those words. Only difference is the milieu but other than that everything seems impeccably imperfect in our lives. I wonder if I can soak the sun as an incognito someday.

nefertiti_xxxx said...

salut to the spirit of the incognito@jolly whinny;)

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm...i've never been busy enuff to completely relate to it except tht at times i fondle wid the idea of divinity and astrology in a similar fashion but here i mus say tht the way u've delved into it is truly enchanting !!

Anonymous said...

Oyyy geek nutter!!! you haven't paid my royalties yet ;) in case u r wondering for what..uhh.. it's ze name of ur blog!! No,i'm not fried stephen.. i,me ur graha aagraha dosha corrector he he.. btw yeah mirjorie is this mad woman who talks bout england becoming the maddest country of europe n all with a badge tht reads- say no to madness in a certain fry laurie sketch.

sin seerly yours
material scientist